Top Ten Tips for a Successful Prom Updo
- Find out your school's policy about attendance on the day of the
prom. At some schools, you won't be admitted to a Friday prom if you
weren't in school for the full day on Friday. Many other schools will
let you be dismissed in the afternoon (with permission from a parent),
but you'll need to go to all classes on Friday morning. The school's
policy determines how early you can start on your hair.
- If you're going to a stylist, make your appointment well
in advance. If the stylist is really popular and you want an
early-afternoon appointment on the day of the prom, you might need to
make your appointment months in advance.
- If possible, go in person to the salon to make your appointment.
You'll want to watch that the appointment is written down.
Ask for a card that has your appointment time written on it.
(You can probably skip this if you regularly go to the salon and the
stylist knows you.)
- Before the day of your appointment, you need to be sure of
the updo style that you want, and be sure that it's possible for
your hair. Even if you have a picture showing exactly what you want,
that won't help if it's a style that only works for hair that's
thicker or longer than yours.
- If you haven't had an updo by this stylist in the past, you
should set up a practice time. A common plan is to start with an
appointment six weeks before the prom, arranging to spend 1-2 hours with
the stylist discussing updo options. Then, also have an appointment
four weeks before the prom, where this stylist will try to do exactly
what you've chosen for the prom. You'll feel much more confident
once the prom-day updo has been rehearsed this way.
- Make sure you know your stylist's preferences for what
not to do to your hair before
your appointment. The most common requests are (a) don't wash your
hair on the day of the appointment, and (b) don't trim your
hair in the few weeks before the appointment.
- Allow extra time to get to the salon. On the day of a prom,
the salon's schedule is probably packed, and they won't be able
to take you if you arrive late.
- Some stylists want you to bring your dress, and also bring any
hair accessories that you'll wear to the prom. (It's not common, but
sometimes an elaborate updo can clash with the pattern of your dress.
That's one reason for the stylist to ask to see your dress.)
- Bring enough money for the salon's prices plus a tip. Usually
you should tip the stylist 15% to 20%.
- Avoid common ways that your hair might be disturbed after the
updo. Make sure that, when you get home, you'll be able to undress
without pulling clothing over your hair. For example, wear a blouse
that unbuttons. Bring an umbrella if it might be raining when your
appointment is finished.
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